AML Report #3ef252ae-ab69-f1aa-ddf4-32720a2a81d1

Report date: 2022-02-01 10:31 (UTC)

Currency: Bitcoin

Type: transaction

Hash: afdfeeadb9f0a4691cbb8ace33a7c24c052b3608c4c8cc2e25afe053926b6389

Transaction amount: 13.790627 BTC (~532 691.35 USD)

Risky asset volume: 13.790627 BTC (~532 691.35 USD)

Counterparty: Bitfinex Thief 2016

Risk level: 100% ( High risk level )

Trusted sources

  • No sources

Suspicious sources

  • No sources

Dangerous sources

  • Stolen Coins 100% (~532 691.35 USD)

The risk score is divided into groups according to the following colors:

Red - 70-100% - High risk

Yellow - 31-69% - Medium risk

Green - 0 - 30% - Low risk

Gray - address is not marked with a known entity