According to Icahn Enterprises' founder, this asset will be valuable in the financial crisis

​Billionaire Carl Icahn considers bitcoin as insurance against rising inflation

21.10.2021 - 09:15


1 min

What's new? Billionaire Carl Icahn spoke on CNBC and answered questions about the future of the financial system. In an interview, the billionaire also spoke about his attitude to the first cryptocurrency.

Icahn’s interview on CNBC

What points have been made? According to Icahn, rising inflation will inevitably lead to a financial crisis and a devaluation of the US dollar.

“In the long run we are certainly going to hit the wall. I really think there will be a crisis the way we are going, the way we are printing money, the way we are going into inflation.”

According to the billionaire, if inflation continues to rise, the first cryptocurrency will have value. Nevertheless, Carl Icahn preferred to keep silent about his plans to invest in bitcoin.

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