Earlier, the exchange’s Russian customers reported the cancellation of the limit for storing more than €10 000

​Binance denies information about the removal of restrictions for Russians

18.04.2023 - 11:55


1 min

What’s new? A representative of Binance denied information published in a number of media outlets that the platform has canceled the limit of €10 000 for deposits for Russian customers. In an interview with ForkLog, he noted that Binance continues to apply all existing restrictions under the fifth and eighth packages of the EU sanctions against the Russian Federation.

News on the ForkLog website

What else is known? Binance did not deny the authenticity of screenshots of one customer’s correspondence with the support team, which indicated the lifting of restrictions, but a representative of the exchange reported compliance with all restrictions in full:

“In accordance with the sanctions rules, Binance legal entities registered in the EU are prohibited from providing services to citizens of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the category of persons who are citizens/residents of the EEA or Switzerland. Users from Crimea, “DPR”/”LPR” are also prohibited from accessing the platform.”

In addition, Binance will continue its policy of refusing to provide services to “people, organizations, legal entities, and countries that have been blacklisted by the international community.”

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