An attacker stole bitcoins by putting a virus into the victim’s computer

​Almost 90 million RUB in crypto were stolen from a Muscovite. Criminal is detained

24.03.2022 - 12:55


1 min


What’s new? The Moscow law enforcers conducted an operation to detain a cybercriminal who stole more than 20 bitcoins (88,8 million Russian rubles (RUB) at the exchange rate on March 24) from a resident of the capital. This was reported by Izvestia.

News on the Izvestia website

What is known about the crime? The attacker along with his accomplices created a virus and uploaded it to a phishing site. The victim downloaded software from this site containing malicious code that allowed the hacker to access the user’s crypto wallet. As a result, the criminals managed to withdraw more than 20 bitcoins. A criminal case has been opened against the detainee.

Earlier in Russia, the organizers of the Ponzi scheme, Yusra Global, which caused 1 billion RUB worth of damage, were detained. The participants of the pyramid were promised 500% per annum for investing in digital assets.

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