This time, billionaire Tom Steyer warned of the threat from cryptocurrency

​Bitcoin continues to be accused of not being environmentally friendly

08.11.2021 - 08:45


1 min

What's new? Following Elon Musk, who came down hard on bitcoin because of its impact on the environment, another billionaire has made similar statements. It refers to Tom Steyer, who gave an interview to Yahoo Finance and made a number of statements about the first cryptocurrency.

The full version of the interview

What did Tom Steyer accuse bitcoin of? According to the billionaire, bitcoin is a “huge user of electricity” and a threat to the environment because of its dependence on burning fossil fuels. In addition, Steyer believes it is a negative situation when businesses use inexpensive and “dirty” energy to boost profits.

One of the options to reduce the environmental load, the billionaire said, is for miners to switch to renewable energy sources. In that case, the environmental load from cryptocurrencies would no longer be critical.

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