The picture will be released on October 7, it is already available for pre-order on several platforms

Coinbase CEO announces his documentary about cryptocurrencies and the creation of the company

05.10.2022 - 07:30


2 min

What’s new? Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange CEO Brian Armstrong has unveiled the trailer of a documentary about the creation of the company and cryptocurrencies. The film, titled “Coin: A Founder’s Story,” will be released on October 7 and is already available for pre-order on Apple, Amazon Prime, and Vimeo platforms, with a pre-order price of $12,99. The film was directed by Greg Kohs, a ten-time Emmy Award winner.

Movie trailer on YouTube

What is known about the film? The film has been in the works for the past three years. According to Armstrong, the director was given “unprecedented access” inside the company. That has allowed the film to depict both the ups and downs of the Coinbase team on their way to becoming the first publicly traded cryptocurrency exchange on the US Nasdaq stock exchange.

The exchange’s head said that he got in touch with Greg Kohs after being impressed after watching his film “AlphaGo.” The film is about a program created by Deep Mind that defeated the Chinese Go champion, Lee Sedol.

Armstrong decided to make his film because he wanted to talk about the process of creating a tech startup and inspire more people to start their own projects. He is convinced that technology will solve global problems and improve people’s lives. The head of the exchange added:

“As the saying goes, starting a company is like chewing glass and staring into the abyss. It takes incredible determination and a bit of luck. But if you succeed, you can change the world, and generate enormous value for millions of people.”

In August, White Paper Films began shooting a documentary about anonymous bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto called “I Am Not Satoshi.” The film will be directed by Christopher Cannucciari, who directed “Banking on Bitcoin” (2016). The film is financed through the Republic investment platform using the Film Finance Offering (FFO) mechanism.

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