The launch in the Holesky testnet is expected on February 7

Dencun hard fork has been launched on the Sepolia testnet

31.01.2024 - 07:27


1 min

What’s new? On January 30, Ethereum blockchain developers rolled out the Dencun upgrade on the Sepolia testnet. Ethereum Foundation DevOps engineer Parithosh Jayanthi noted that the blobspace mechanism, which is an alternative to calldata, is now available in Sepolia.


What else is known? Dencun includes an Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) numbered 4844. EIP-4844 will introduce proto-danksharding into the mainnet, which will scale the blockchain and reduce the cost of gas by introducing a new mechanism for storing compressed large arrays of binary data (blobs).

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin explained that blobspace transactions are similar to regular transactions, except that they carry an additional piece of data called a blob object. “Blobs are extremely large (~125 kB), and can be much cheaper than similar amounts of calldata,” he added.

In the Goerli testnet, the Dencun upgrade was launched on January 17. In the Holesky testnet, the launch is expected on February 7.

Earlier, Luke Nolan, a researcher at investment firm CoinShares, noted that Dencun could affect ETH offerings. He explained that the blobspace mechanism could lead to a reduction in gas consumption and, consequently, a reduction in the amount of ETH burned.

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