The library will allow developers to add DOGE to their products without deep knowledge of blockchain technologies

Dogecoin developers made it easier to integrate the asset into various platforms

06.08.2022 - 08:15


2 min

What’s new? The Dogecoin Foundation, a non-profit organization, has announced the launch of Libdogecoin v 0.1, a library for direct integration of the DOGE meme cryptocurrency into various platforms. As Michi Lumin Dogecoin Core Developer noted, developers do not need to have deep knowledge in the field of blockchain technologies to add the asset to their products.

Information on GitHub

What else is known about the project? Libdogecoin is a comprehensive implementation of the Dogecoin protocols. The library has a binding to common programming languages, while it does not have the capacity to run nodes.

Libdogecoin is the basis for the organization’s other developments, such as RadioDoge. In April, the developers conducted the first offline transaction within this project. The company expects to make DOGE the leading global means of payment in the future. Also at the end of July, the Dogecoin team launched the Dogepedia tool.

Dogepedia is a database covering all aspects of Dogecoin, including instructions and frequently asked questions. However, unlike Wikipedia, its content is not created by users and cannot be changed by any of them, which keeps the information accurate.

On August 6, 08:30 UTC, DOGE is trading at $0,06999, having gained 1,42% per day, according to Binance.

At the end of July, it became known that the number of active Dogecoin addresses increased by 265% in 2 months. The daily growth of new addresses increased from 14 470 to 38 430, cryptocurrency trading expert Ali Martinez said. He believes that the growth of the network may have a positive effect on the price of the asset.

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