About 80% of users, or 3,53 million addresses, bought ADA at prices above current prices

​IntoTheBlock calls the share of Cardano investors with unrealized losses

06.03.2023 - 15:45


1 min

According to IntoTheBlock, more than 80% of all Cardano holders are suffering losses right now, a figure equal to 3.53 million addresses. At the same time, only 682,920 addresses are profitable, which is less than 16% of the total. Another 173,770 holder addresses, or 4% of the total, are breaking even at the current ADA price of $0.33 per token. ADA to USD by CoinMarketCap

Late passengers

The three largest groups of unprofitable Cardano token buyers can be identified. The first group, with a total of 669,370 addresses, purchased ADA at prices between $1.71 and $2.97. The last time such prices were observed was in the second half of 2021, in the midst of the last bull rally on the crypto market. The second large group of 560,940 addresses are those who purchased ADA below $1.71 but starting at $1.29. Finally, the third group is most likely recent buyers who purchased tokens between $0.4 and $0.5 — 551,610 addresses.

There are currently 8.17 billion ADA on the balance sheets of all three groups' addresses. Interestingly, however, the largest number of ADA purchased at a loss, namely 8.71 billion, are on the addresses of those who bought the token at $0.36 to $0.4. In total, 25.7 billion ADA was acquired at a loss, four times the amount acquired by profitable investors.

This material is taken from the website u.today.

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