The company offers vulnerability detection experts to earn money by finding bugs

​Meta is looking for researchers to find bugs in the Metaverse

16.12.2021 - 13:10


1 min

What’s new? Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook, is asking for help from experts to prevent the users' personal data from leaking from its platforms. The organization has announced that it is expanding its “bug bounty” program, which offers rewards for helping identify and fix vulnerabilities in the websites and applications. This is reported by CNN.

Information on the CNN website

What is the essence of the program? Data scraping is an automated process of extracting large amounts of information from websites, usually for malicious purposes. For this reason, many websites, including Meta’s platforms, claim to prohibit or restrict scraping, although the rules are not always followed. The expanded “bug bounty” program will reward “white hackers” for reporting bugs and scraping methods.

“Our goal is to quickly identify and counter scenarios that might make scraping less costly for malicious actors to execute,” the company said in a statement.

What does the company representative say? Meta’s Security Department manager, Dan Gurfinkel, said that not only “white hackers” who find vulnerabilities will be eligible for the reward, but also the users who find records copied from Meta on the network. The company promises to pay about $500 for each bug or vulnerability found.

“We are looking for vulnerabilities that enable attackers to bypass restrictions on automated records collection (parsing) to access data on a larger scale than initially intended,” added Gurfinkel.

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