In question are tokens created with the free lazy minting tool

​More than 80% of NFTs released on the OpenSea platform were plagiarised

02.02.2022 - 07:55


1 min

What’s new? The official Twitter of the OpenSea non-fungible tokens platform published a post that more than 80% of all tokens turned out to be either a copy of other projects or spam. In question are NFTs that users created using the free lazy minting feature.

“Every decision we make, we make with our creators in mind… We have recently seen misuse of this feature increase exponentially. Over 80% of the items created with this tool (lazy minting), were plagiarized works, fake collections, and spam.”

What changes are planned to be introduced? After it became known that there were a large number of fakes on the platform, the OpenSea representatives imposed restrictions. On January 27, the users could create no more than 5 collections, each of which had to contain no more than 50 tokens. However, massive complaints from the community led to the cancellation of the decision a day later.

At present, OpenSea is preparing a number of new proposals, which the company intends to discuss with its users before the final publication and implementation of the service.

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