In addition, the official entered information about cash and bank accounts into the document

​The Ukrainian deputy of the village council has declared 500 Tesla shares and 124 BTC

11.11.2021 - 14:15


1 min

What’s new? Volodymyr Pachesnyy, a deputy of the Vyrovskyy village council in the Rivne region, has declared 500 shares of Tesla corporation and 124 BTC. In addition, the official included in the document 9,3 million Ukrainian hryvnias (UAH) and $77 000 in cash, as well as 1,4 million UAH and $13 400 in a bank account. The deputy filed an electronic declaration in July, indicating his fortune for 2019. This is reported by the “Chetverta Vlada” newspaper.

Information on the portal “Chetverta vlada”

What else is indicated in the declaration? Deputy Volodymyr Pachesnyy is registered and resides in the village of Hvozdavka Vtoraya, Lyubashevskyy district, Odessa region. The official declared neither his own housing nor transport. Movable and immovable property is registered to his wife Iryna Serhiychuk, who lives with her daughters in Klesiv, Rivne Region. The deputy stated in his declaration that he owns an IWC watch for 560 000 UAH and a PATEK PHILIPPE for 1,4 million UAH, as well as an antique collection of Soviet products valued at 100 000 UAH.

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