To disguise themselves, the scammers inserted a code with a link to a verification icon into the token's description and header

​Attackers made $1 million from fake MetaMask tokens

29.12.2021 - 08:40


1 min


What’s new? The scammers conducted a distribution of the fake MetaMask tokens. After the attackers earned $1 million in tokens, the giveaway was shut down. The scheme was noticed by one of the site's users and published the information on Twitter.

How did the scammers manage to deceive people? The MetaMask representatives recently announced the launch of their own token. The attackers seized the moment and on this basis created a fake coin on the DEXTools platform. .

A text verification of authenticity was also displayed because of the platform’s error. The attackers managed to raise about $1 million, after which the giveaway was shut down. DEXTools has not yet commented on what happened.

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