The users will be able to convert USDT to ETH “without paying any hidden fees”

​BitMEX added support for Ethereum

21.03.2022 - 16:15


1 min

The users will be able to convert USDT to ETH “without paying any hidden fees.”

What’s new? Starting March 21, the customers of the BitMEX exchange will be able to deposit, withdraw and buy ETH, as well as convert other cryptocurrencies to altcoin. In the coming weeks, the platform will add support for new tokens and launch the BitMEX Spot mobile app. Additionally, from March 21 to 31, BitMEX users will be able to earn up to 250 native exchange tokens (BMEX) by converting ETH, USDT, and XBT. For every thousand USDT or ETH/XBT converted, 2,5 BMEX is provided.

Link to the BitMEX blog

What preceded it? In 2019, the BitMEX exchange stopped supporting new digital assets, focusing on trading derivatives. In February, BitMEX issued its own BMEX token and held an airdrop. A total of 450 million tokens were issued, with holders of the asset receiving discounts on exchange fees and a number of other benefits.

What is known about BitMEX? It is a cryptocurrency exchange and derivatives trading platform. The platform was founded in 2014 by Arthur Hayes, Ben Delo, and Samuel Reed. In October 2020, Hayes, Reed, and Delo were charged with violating the US Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). In February 2022, the co-founders Arthur Hayes and Benjamin Delo pleaded guilty. In March this year, third BitMEX co-founder Samuel Reed also admitted to violating the BSA.

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