Moderators of the project’s Telegram channel cited the current market conditions and seasonal factors as the reasons for the delay

​CAR authorities postpone listing of national digital currency to 2023

20.12.2022 - 14:50


1 min

The Central African Republic (CAR) won’t list its sango crypto coin until next year, according to an official statement.

The country is one of the first in the world to declare bitcoin (BTC) as its legal tender, but its most senior judges have rejected an attempt to allow crypto investors to buy citizenship via $60,000 worth of sango.

“We are going to postpone the listing of sango and the 5% release to Q1 [the first quarter of] 2023,” said the statement, posted by moderators in sango’s Telegram channel. It cited “current market conditions” and seasonal factors such as the holiday season.

Investors had been promised that they would get back 5% of their stake at the moment of listing. Moderators declined to comment on whether the delay had been caused by central bankers or legal obstacles.

The government wants to make the country a crypto hub, with ministers saying they wanted to be “one step ahead” on new technology.

This material is taken from the website

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