The country will develop a smart court system and accept the evidence provided through a blockchain platform

​Chinese courts will improve evidence collection through blockchain

23.02.2022 - 12:10


1 min


What’s new? China’s Supreme Court has published a set of rules allowing courts to verify and recognize evidence submitted through a blockchain-based platform. According to the document, the country will improve its smart court system, which will facilitate the structuring and transmission of information through the blockchain platform.

China’s Court notice

How has the country used this technology in court before? China, relative to other countries, early incorporated blockchain into its legal system. Back in September 2018, China’s Supreme Court recognized this technology as a legitimate means of collecting and transmitting data. President Xi Jinping called this blockchain development a “national priority.”

Last year, a court in Guangzhou, the capital of China’s southeastern Guangdong province, began using a blockchain in a lending dispute case where some evidence presentation and cross-examination were conducted online. The legal authorities in other provinces are also actively using this technology, simplifying and speeding up the judicial process.

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