The meme coin’s trading volumes exceeded $380 million

​Dogecoin becomes the most popular cryptocurrency in Turkey over the last 30 days

07.11.2022 - 16:20


1 min

Citizens in Turkey have traded over $380 million in Dogecoin over the past 30 days. This is more than both Bitcoin and Ethereum volumes combined.

Turkish citizens are taking to Dogecoin (DOGE), with the meme coin becoming the most traded asset in recent times. Trading volume data over the last 30 days from the top 3 exchanges show that the meme coin has seen over $380.3 million traded.

This is more than the trading volume of BTC and ETH combined. The latter two respectively amassed trading volumes of $154.4 million and $142.6 million. The three exchanges that were examined are BTCTurk, Bitexen, and Bitexlive.

This material is taken from the website

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