The users can already take part in the first votes on project management issues

​Everscale launched a DAO for EVER token holders

15.03.2022 - 09:05


1 min

What’s new? Everscale, a blockchain project, has launched a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) within which the owners of the native EVER token can participate in project management issues. All decisions will be determined by voting on a special Ever DAO platform.

Official website of the platform

What issues are on the table? The owners of EVER can already vote on whether to withdraw their partnership with the game World of Dogs and the QuickAppNinja application, as well as to hold an airdrop of the QUBE token from the FlatQube exchange. As of March 15, 2022, 8 823 502 wEVER tokens (wrapped EVER coins) have been sent for this proposal, while 80 501 tokens have been sent against it. To make a positive decision in the DAO, it is necessary to gain votes “in favor” in the amount of at least 500 000 wEVER.

In total, there are 190 voting addresses in the DAO. The main purpose of creating a decentralized organization is to improve the quality of Everscale governance.

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