More than 20 000 cryptocurrency devices have been installed around the world

​In 2021, a record was set for the number of new Crypto ATMs

05.01.2022 - 08:20


1 min


What’s new? According to the portal, last year was a record year for the number of new cryptocurrency ATMs (Crypto ATMs). In total, more than 20 000 devices have been installed around the world, which is an absolute record in the history of cryptocurrencies.

News source on the website

Which countries are the leaders? Most ATMs are located in the USA, up to 90% of all devices. Canada and the UK are also in the top three. To date, ATMs for buying and selling cryptocurrencies are located in 75 countries around the world.

Crypto ATMs are typically placed in busy locations, office buildings and shopping malls. About 40% of all devices are manufactured by Genesis Coin, and the most popular fiat currencies in Crypto ATMs are the euro and the US dollar.

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