In this case, he promised to buy out the shares of the executives and double the salaries of the employees

“It is also more than you deserve.” KyberSwap hacker demands to transfer complete control over the protocol to him

30.11.2023 - 15:10


2 min

What’s new? The hacker who stole $47 million from the decentralized exchange KyberSwap, has again addressed the project’s participants. A day earlier, he reprimanded them for their hostile attitude, threatening to postpone negotiations on the return of funds indefinitely. Now he has demanded full control over the protocol, followed by the dismissal of the management, a complete restructuring of the project, the provision of the native token, and only partial compensation to the community. “This is my best offer. This is my only offer,” the hacker stated.

Etherscan’s data

What else is known? For example, the hacker demanded that he be given control over the development company and all its assets, including tokens and shares, as well as internal financial documents and intellectual property, passwords, servers, and social media pages. His wallet must also be given the exclusive right to manage the protocol, which is currently handled by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) through a vote among native coin holders.

Once the hacker’s demands are met, he pledges to buy out executives’ stakes in the company at a fair price and to double employees’ salaries or pay a year’s severance pay while helping them find new jobs.

The hacker added that under his leadership, KyberSwap will be rebuilt into “an entirely new cryptographic project” and will cease to exist as the seventh-largest decentralized exchange. As a result of these actions, token holders and investors will be further harmed, as the exchange coin’s value will collapse to zero. “Is this not sweet enough?” the statement reads.

The hacker undertook to reimburse 50% of the damage to the liquidity providers:

“I know this is probably less than what you wanted. However, it is also more than you deserve.”

The hacker emphasized that this is his “best” and “only offer,” it is valid until December 10 and will be withdrawn if the police come out on it.

Previously, a similar situation occurred with the crypto mixer Tornado Cash, which was banned by the US authorities. In May this year, the hacker seized control of the protocol, but later voluntarily handed it over to the community.

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