This was caused by an employee of the mailing service, whose services were used by the platform

OpenSea reported leak of user data

30.06.2022 - 10:15


1 min

What’s new? Representatives of the OpenSea NFT marketplace reported a leak of personal data of the platform’s users. An employee of the service, whose services the company used to send mailings, provided the data to a third party. OpenSea warned users about possible phishing attempts and the company also contacted law enforcement agencies to investigate the incident.

OpenSea’s blog

What else does the blog say? OpenSea noted that attackers may try to contact users via email addresses similar to the official domain,, and advised not to respond to such emails, as well as not to download any files attached to them. On Twitter, the marketplace’s customers report an increase in spam and suspicious phone calls.

In March, unknown persons gained access to the personal data of customers of BlockFi, a lending platform. The incident occurred through one of its third-party providers, Hubspot.

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