In total, more than 37 000 decentralized applications have been created on the testnet and mainnet

Polygon’s number of dApps rises by 400% since the beginning of the year

11.08.2022 - 09:00


2 min

What’s new? On August 10, the Polygon blockchain team shared statistics from Web 3.0 development platform Alchemy showing that the growth in the number of decentralized applications (dApps) on the network amounted to 400% since the beginning of the year. This figure includes all applications ever created on the blockchain, including the testnet and mainnet. Polygon representatives also noted in an official blog post that the network processed over 1,6 billion transactions, and the number of unique user addresses exceeds 142 million.

News on the Polygon blog

What other data does the report contain? As of August 10, 2022, there were 37 000 apps created on Polygon, twice as many as in March and four times as many as at the beginning of the year. The number of active developers on the network rose from 8000 in March to 11 800 in August. And 74% of teams are building dApps exclusively on Polygon, while 26% have deployed apps on both Polygon and Ethereum.

The blockchain’s ecosystem is used by the Aave and Uniswap V3 protocols, as well as the OpenSea NFT marketplace. Polygon has also been selected as their default gateway to Web 3.0 by Adobe, Stripe, Telefonica, and Dolce Gabbana.

As of August 11, 08:25 UTC, the native token of Polygon (MATIC) is trading at $0,9366, having gained 5,61% per day, according to the Binance exchange.

In June, Polygon was selected to take part in Disney’s 2022 Accelerator program. Along with five other projects, the platform will receive a mentor, investment capital, and access to the Walt Disney campus in Los Angeles. On August 7, Coca-Cola released an NFT collection on the Polygon blockchain.

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