According to MIPT representative Vladimir Gorgadze, such documents cannot be forged or modified

Russia issues its first NFT-diplomas

21.07.2022 - 15:40


1 min

What’s new? Graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) master's program received diplomas in the form of NFTs. This is the first such event in Russia. Documents in the form of non-fungible tokens were signed by all members of the certification committee. NFT diplomas were issued based on the Ethereum blockchain on the OpenSea platform. This was reported by the university's press service.

Information from the MIPT press service

What are the advantages of the NFT-diploma? The MIPT press service noted that digital signatures serve as “an additional measure to confirm identity.” A graduate with such a diploma becomes the owner of an NFT object authored by the university's master's in blockchain. Vladimir Gorgadze, head of the master's program, added:

“Issuing NFT diploma tokens on blockchain was a logical step for us. The digital diploma perfectly demonstrates the basic properties of blockchain: transparency, immutability, security guarantee and traceability. It is impossible to forge or modify a diploma in this format.”

Earlier it became known that the University of Johannesburg (UJ) would also issue certificates based on blockchain. The institution adopted a certification system based on blockchain in order to prevent fake diplomas and fraud.

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