At a triathlon competition, the judges signed the results protocol with an electronic signature and saved it with a smart contract

​Russian Federation uses blockchain technologies in sports for the first time

25.05.2023 - 15:00


1 min

What’s new? For the first time in Russia, blockchain technology was used to summarize the results of a sporting event. The judges of the triathlon competition in Almetyevsk signed the results protocol with an electronic signature and saved it with a smart contract, using the blockchain platform Masterchain. The protocol was then imported electronically to the “Moi sport” platform, where their results were reflected in the contestants’ profiles, RBC-Crypto reports.

RBC-Crypto’s material

What else does the publication report? According to representatives of the Masterchain press service, the new service is designed to optimize the business processes of both individual sports institutions and the industry as a whole. It is reported that the platform will eliminate the need for paper records, their further storage, and transportation, and simplify the search for athletes’ results. In addition, the service can be used for the automatic assignment of sports grades and award athletes.

In March, for the first time in Russia, Samolet Group launched the sale of digital financial assets (DFAs) for real estate through the Atomyze platform. And at the end of the first quarter of 2023, Russia for the first time rose to second place in the world in terms of mining capacity.

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