The agencies will begin to make full use of the Machine-Readable Power of Attorney application in 2023

Russia’s Federal Customs Service will start exchanging information through the blockchain platform of the Federal Taxation Service

17.08.2022 - 12:50


1 min

What’s new? The Russian Federal Customs Service (FCS) and the Federal Tax Service (FTS) will begin exchanging machine-readable electronic powers of attorney through the FTS blockchain platform. According to the press release, the agencies signed a roadmap for testing a prototype of the Machine-Readable Power of Attorney (MRPA) application. The results of the experiment will be announced by the end of December 2022. In January 2023 the subsystem for MRPA management will be fully functional.

FTS press release

What else does the press release say? The aim of the experiment is the use by the Federal Customs Service of a unified database of machine-readable powers of attorney of interested persons. It will allow automating control over the expiration date of powers of attorney of foreign economic activity participants and will also allow checking them in electronic documents, according to the FTS website.

In the future, widespread use of electronic powers of attorney will allow the FCS to check the authority of persons acting on behalf of organizations to sign specific electronic documents. This will enable full automation and simplification of relevant customs processes.

It was previously reported that blockchain from the FTS will also allow monitoring of the effectiveness of preferential mortgage programs, as well as preferential business lending programs. The new technology will make it possible to consolidate information on state support.

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