At this stage, the nature of the incident is unclear, as the Solana Foundation has not yet confirmed the information

​Solana was hit by a DDoS attack

10.12.2021 - 10:30


2 min

What’s new? Solana's network has been subjected to a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack in the last 24 hours. A DDoS attack is a large number of coordinated devices or botnets that flood the network with fake traffic to take it offline. However, the network remained online throughout.

How did events develop? The DDoS attack was reported by the Solana-based NFT platform Blockasset on 9 December. It noted:

“We are aware that tokens are taking time to distribute. The Solana chain is being overloaded with DDoS attacks that have clogged the network, causing delays.”

GenesysGo, a company specializing in Solana's infrastructure, also reported the incident, saying that the validator network is experiencing problems with processing transaction requests. Despite this, the company called for calm.

What is the essence of the problem? At this stage, the nature of the incident is unclear as the Solana Foundation is yet to publicly confirm any attacks. However, Status.Solana shows that the network has not experienced any disruption and is fully functional at the time of publication of the news.

Solana's price has fallen 6,4% in the last 24 hours and is at $176,89 at the time of writing.

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