Russia, Kazakhstan, the US, and Canada top the ranking

​The media has reported on the main destinations of mining equipment exported from China

23.11.2021 - 08:30


1 min

What’s new? The Financial Times has published a study with information on the main destinations of cryptocurrency mining equipment exported from China, following the ban on mining there.

News source on the Financial Times website

Which countries are miners moving to? According to the media reports, most of the devices (more than 1,8 million miners out of a total of 2 million) were imported to Russia. Other popular destinations include Kazakhstan, the US, and Canada.

The large-scale relocation of capacities to other countries continues amid the introduction of a total ban on mining in the Middle Kingdom. According to Vitaly Borschenko, co-founder of the Russian mining host BitCluster, the company has deployed more than 5000 cryptocurrency mining devices in 2 months alone. All the equipment was transported from China.

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