The auction for each nickname will last one week from the first bid

Web 3.0-marketplace Fragment starts selling Telegram usernames

27.10.2022 - 14:45


2 min

What’s new? On October 26, the Web 3.0-marketplace Fragment was launched to sell nicknames in the Telegram messenger, and the first auctions on the platform also launched. Logins in the form of digital assets are sold using smart contracts. The platform featured nicknames such as @chat, @bank, @cryptotrader, and others.

Link to the auction

What's known about the auction? The bidding will last for a week, starting with the first bid on the username. The minimum bid is affected by the length of the login: the starting price is 10 000 TON ($16 976) for a 4-letter nickname. Names with 5 or more characters start at 500 TON ($848,8).

At the moment, maximum bids have been made for nicknames @bank and @casino — 52 500 TON ($89 124), followed by @auto — 21 000 TON ($35 649), bids for nicknames @avia, @chat and @fifa are 12 600 TON ($21 389).

Telegram founder Pavel Durov spoke about plans to launch a Web 3.0 marketplace in late August. He added that other ecosystem products, including channels, stickers, or emojis, could also be part of this market in the future.

As of October 27, 14:20 UTC, TON is trading at $1,6976, down 8,22% overnight, according to cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

The average daily audience of Russian-language channels about cryptocurrencies and NFTs fell by 38% from late February to September, according to Crypto Provider Agency, a Telegram startup and development company. A sharp decline in interest in digital assets occurred in early May, after the bitcoin collapse.

That said, there was a record level of interest in the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) in May. ENS lead developer Nick Johnson noted that in less than a month, indicators reached all-time highs in all monitored indicators.

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