After purchasing the ErisX platform, the exchange will launch digital asset trading for its clients

CBOE enters the cryptocurrency market

22.10.2021 - 08:30


1 min

What's new? The Chicago Board Options Exchange has announced the purchase of the ErisX cryptocurrency platform. A subsidiary of CBOE Digital will be created to work with digital assets.

News on the CBOE website

What is known about the deal? The final signing of all documents will be completed in 2022 after the approval of legal issues with US regulators. The parties do not report the amount of the transaction, calling it “insignificant”.

What opportunities will the exchange have? After the acquisition of the ErisX platform, the Chicago Options Exchange will provide its clients with the opportunity for direct and derivative trading in cryptocurrencies. According to CBOE vice president Chris Isaacson, “now is the right time to fully embrace and help define this emerging asset class.”

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