This is the company's third book on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies

​CoinGecko service has released NFT book

05.01.2022 - 07:05


1 min

What's new? A new book dedicated to the field of NFT is available for purchase in the online store of the popular analytical service CoinGecko. The book, titled “How to NFT,” is written by five experts and costs $14,99.

Link to the book in the service’s online store

What else is known about the book? “How to NFT” is a beginner's guide to the field of non-fungible tokens (NFT). It covers topics such as creating tokens, buying them, and selling them in detail. A separate section is dedicated to detailing possible ways to protect against fraud in this area.

“How to NFT” is the third book from CoinGecko. Previously, the service released similar beginners’ guides called “How to Bitcoin” and “How to DeFi,” focusing on bitcoin and decentralized finance, respectively.

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