The price of DOGE reached $0,1384. The altcoin ranks 12th in the list of the largest cryptocurrencies by capitalization

Dogecoin has been added to Bitcoin of America ATMs. Token up in price by 12%

24.03.2022 - 14:15


2 min

What’s new? Bitcoin of America has announced the addition of Dogecoin to its crypto ATMs across the United States. In the last 24 hours, the price of the asset has risen by more than 12%. On the Binance exchange, the cryptocurrency hit a daily high of $0,1384. On March 24, Dogecoin is 12th in the ranking of the largest cryptocurrencies by capitalization, according to Coinmarketcap.


What is known about ВТМ? Bitcoin of America is a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It is registered as a money services enterprise with the US Treasury Department (FinCEN). Bitcoin of America has more than 1800 crypto ATMs in 31 states. Bitcoin of America added Ethereum in October 2021. The company also offers Bitcoin and Litecoin.

What had happened before? According to the Coin ATM Radar website, the total number of crypto ATMs in 76 countries has exceeded 36 100 units. The largest number of devices is in the USA, with states accounting for 93% of the market or 32 150 cryptocurrency exchange machines.

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