This event was the penultimate upgrade before implementation on the mainnet

​Ethereum developers successfully conduct the Shapella hard fork on the Sepolia testnet

28.02.2023 - 14:45


2 min

What’s new? Ethereum blockchain developers conducted the Shanghai-Capella (Shapella) upgrade on the Sepolia testnet. The next stage is the implementation of the upgrade in the Goerli testnet, which is scheduled for March 2023. A developer under the nickname terence.eth reported this on Twitter on February 28.

What else is known? Shapella includes EIP-4895 which will allow ETH coins to be withdrawn from staking. According to cryptocurrency tracker Dune, about 8,41 million ETH are locked in dedicated wallets as of February 28.

An Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) is a proposal to improve the network.

After the upgrade passes in the Goerli testnet, developers will be able to conduct a hard fork of the mainnet. Both events are due to take place in March.

At the time of writing, ETH is trading at $1641, having lost 1,13% in 24 hours (Binance’s data).

The release of the Shanghai upgrade was first announced in December 2022. At that time, the developers also announced plans to release a set of previously agreed-upon upgrades, including EIP-3651, EIP-3855, and EIP-3860. However, the team later decided to remove any additional EIPs from the upgrade so as not to delay the timeline for unstaking ETH.

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