More than $315 000 in digital yuan is used daily at the Olympics

​Foreigners use the digital yuan more often than Chinese natives

17.02.2022 - 11:10


1 min

What’s new? Mu Changchun, director-general of the People’s Bank of China’s Digital Currency Research Institute (DCRI), said that the foreigners at the Olympics use the digital yuan more often than Chinese natives. According to Reuters, about 2 million e-CNY (about $315 000) are used daily.

Reuters’s material

What else did Mu Changchun add? The DCRI director-general stated that he did not have exact figures yet, but he suggested that about 2 million transactions using the digital yuan are made every day. However, Chinese natives prefer proven services such as Alipay and WeChatPay. Changchun noted:

“It seems all the foreign users are using hardware wallets. The software wallets are mainly used by the domestic users.”

Recall, e-CNY had previously surpassed Visa in terms of the number of transactions. Although initially, the digital yuan was not in high demand, the BOC’s cryptocurrency is now starting to gain momentum.

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