Proceeds from the sale of non-fungible tokens on the Binance marketplace will be transferred to the Red Cross humanitarian organization

French Postal Service launched its NFT collection

22.06.2022 - 14:00


2 min

What’s new? The French postal organization Groupe La Poste released an NFT collection. The non-fungible tokens are listed on the marketplace of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, Binance NFT. The collection is based on a joint project between Groupe La Poste and activist, journalist and photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand called Visages de France par les facteurs (“Faces of France through the eyes of postmen”). The auction on Binance NFT will run until June 27, with all proceeds donated to the humanitarian organization Red Cross.

What is the essence of the project? As part of the project, all French postmen (around 70 000 people) photographed the citizens they came into contact at work between September 6 and October 31, 2021. In 2022, the portraits will be presented in a digital exhibition, and then the best ones will be exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris. Of the more than 4 000 photos submitted, 10 have been turned into NFTs.

On November 13, Croatian Post announced that its customers would be able to exchange five cryptocurrencies for Croatian kuna at branches across the country. The organization offers bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Stellar and EOS for exchange.

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