Each Grayscale Smart Contract Platform ex Ethereum Fund share now includes 4,34 ADA

Grayscale increased ADA’s stake in one of its crypto funds to 32%

10.06.2022 - 11:40


2 min

What’s new? Digital asset management company Grayscale Investments has increased the stake of Cardano (ADA) in its Grayscale Smart Contract Platform ex Ethereum Fund (GSCPxE) to 32,33% per share. Each GSCPxE security now includes 4,34 ADA. This was highlighted by Dan Gambardella, founder of Crypto Capital Venture, on his Twitter.

Why did the fund choose Cardano? Due to the hype surrounding the upcoming release of the Vasil hard fork, the ADA rate gained more than 30% per day on May 31.

Vasil is due to launch on June 29. The upgrade will improve performance by significantly increasing throughput and reducing latency in block transmission. The Verifiable Random Function (VRF), Ouroboros, will also be optimized.

In early June, the crypto community predicted the ADA price to rise above $1 after the hard fork. According to a CoinMarketCap survey, 24 600 respondents believe that the ADA price will reach $1,06 by the end of June, while 16 000 people believe the value of the asset will drop to $0,97 by the end of July. Both, however, suggest a significant rise in the price — as of 10 June, 10:50 UTC, ADA is trading at 0,61, having added 8,23% in a week, according to Binance.

Cardano is a blockchain platform created by Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) and co-founder of the Ethereum network Charles Hoskinson in 2017. Cardano supports smart contracts, with its native token ADA enabling users to participate in the operation of the network.

Grayscale Investments is a digital asset management fund founded in 2013. It allows US-accredited investors to buy cryptocurrency investment products in a regulated environment through traditional market instruments.

In May, online broker Robinhood added Grayscale cryptocurrency funds based on bitcoin and Ethereum to its platform. Robinhood users can trade Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) and Ethereum Trust (ETHE) stocks directly through the app.

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