The attackers promoted the Bapescaln and The Possessed projects

Hackers hacked into the British army’s social media to promote NFTs

04.07.2022 - 16:15


2 min

What’s new? On July 2, the British Army's official Twitter and YouTube accounts were hacked. Hackers used the department's accounts to promote two NFT collections, Bapescaln and The Possessed. By the evening of July 3, the Army was able to restore access to the accounts. Army officials apologized and said they would conduct a detailed investigation into the incident.

More on the hack. The British Army's YouTube channel posted promotional videos featuring the head of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk. Later, the self-proclaimed creator of The Possessed Project tweeted that hackers were spreading false information about his NFT and asked to report the hacked account as compromised.

On January 23, the YouTube accounts of several popular cryptocurrency bloggers were also hacked. Their profiles posted a video with the text inviting viewers to send money to the hackers' wallet. The affected accounts include BitBoy Crypto, Altcoin Buzz, Box Mining, Floyd Mayweather, Ivan on Tech, The Moon and others.

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