La Haus, a real estate company, will receive 2,45 BTC from the buyer

​In Colombia, an apartment was sold for bitcoins for the first time

05.02.2022 - 07:30


1 min

What’s new? La Haus, a Colombian real estate company, has closed a deal to sell an apartment for bitcoins. The total value of the property was $98 000, meaning the buyer will pay approximately 2,45 BTC, Bitcoin Magazine reports.

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What are the details of the deal? Jehudi Castro, Vice President of La Haus, revealed that the apartment was sold in installments. The buyer has already made a down payment of 0,03 BTC and will make additional payments in bitcoins until the construction is completed in 2025.

What else did Castro state? The vice president recalled that last month, La Haus in Mexico sold another apartment for bitcoins. That time a woman exchanged 5,78 BTC for an exclusive coastal apartment. Castro stated:

“We are working to bring this type of alternative to the rest of the country, so that the payment methods and the form of investment are not a barrier to access residential goods.”

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