During the operation, 1720 mining machines were seized

​Malaysian police detained a group of underground miners

04.01.2022 - 10:50


1 min

What’s new? The police in Malaysia's Manjung district conducted a large-scale operation to combat the electricity theft, Bitcoin.com reports. A total of 1720 cryptocurrency mining machines were seized from the criminals.

The Bitcoin.com material

What are the details of the case? The operation was carried out in cooperation with the international electricity company (TNB) and the fire and rescue station. The police detained the caretaker of the premises where the equipment was located. According to the TNB, the theft of electricity amounted to about 2 million MYR ($478 870). The Manjung district police chief said:

“Police inspected 75 premises around the district and 30 of them were found to be carrying out illegal bitcoin mining activities and stealing electricity.”

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