Analysts report that employees working with digital assets earn 9% more than their colleagues from the banking sector

​Revelio Labs: cryptocurrency experts have higher salaries in financial organizations

02.11.2021 - 13:30


1 min

What's new? Over the past three years, leading US banks and financial institutions have opened more than 1000 vacancies for crypto experts. Financial organizations offer bonuses to attract virtual assets specialists. Revelio Labs, a research company, conducted an analysis of cryptocurrency-related vacancies, Bloomberg reports.

Bloomberg article

What are the results of the Revelio Labs’ study? In total, the organization analyzed 287cryptocurrency-related vacancies. Its analysts took into account the four largest employers such as Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Fidelity and JPMorgan Chase, who are looking for digital asset specialists on the LinkedIn professional social network site. They also examined data from other financial institutions.

The Revelio experts concluded that cryptocurrency specialists on average earn 9% more than their colleagues from the banking sector.

What do the institutions’ representatives say? An unnamed HR consultant for the financial organization Johnson Associates reports that the salary of crypto specialists in this company, for example, is 20-30% higher than the one of experts from other fields. Alan Johnson, Johnson Associates’ managing director added that cryptocurrency executives receive up to 50% salary increases.

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