The full-fledged release of a client-validator that can improve blockchain resilience is scheduled for 2025

Solana team to pay up to $1 million for finding vulnerabilities in the Firedancer upgrade

08.07.2024 - 08:36


2 min

Last updated on Aug 6, 2024

What’s new? The upcoming release of the Firedancer client-validator, created by Jump Crypto’s market maker team for the Solana (SOL) blockchain, launches a bug discovery rewards program with payouts of up to $1 million. White-hat hackers who find significant bugs in Firedancer v0.1 will be eligible to receive this much.

Program page

What else is known? The program is being launched in partnership with Immunefi, a platform that specializes in running bug-bounty programs for cryptocurrency projects. It will start on July 10 and will run for six weeks.

The Firedancer client is designed to improve Solana’s fault tolerance: in previous years, the blockchain has repeatedly experienced failures due to congestion. In addition, Firedancer is implemented in C/C++, which will optimize the client for high-frequency trading, which Jump Crypto is engaged in.

The upgrade will also increase the blockchain throughput up to one million transactions per second (TPS). At the same time, Solana is already recognized by CoinGecko analysts as a record-breaker among blockchains in terms of speed with the indicator of 1054 TPS.

Light Protocol and Helius Labs have unveiled a mechanism to make storage on Solana 5000 times cheaper than before

Light Protocol and Helius Labs have unveiled a mechanism to make storage on Solana 5000 times cheaper than before

Developers will be able to use it to scale applications

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Raoul Pal, the head of Real Vision TV and former head of Goldman Sachs Bank, cited the upcoming Firedancer exit as one of the main reasons that strengthened his confidence in the SOL token. Moreover, the senior executive noted that his crypto portfolio consists of 90% of SOL.

At the end of May, the developers announced that the full version of Firedancer will be released in 2025, with pared-down versions to follow until then.

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