In this, the majority of respondents prefer bitcoin

Survey: 75% of European asset managers will increase their crypto investments during the year

10.09.2022 - 06:45


1 min

What’s new? HANetf conducted a survey among European asset managers and financial advisors, according to which 75% of respondents will increase their investments in cryptocurrency within 12 months. In this, bitcoin has become the most preferred coin. In addition, more than half of the respondents expect the regulatory framework for digital assets and cryptocurrencies to tighten over the next three years. According to experts in the field of digital assets, clearer and stricter regulations could potentially provide more stability in the market.

HANetf’s report

What is known about HANetf? It is a platform for issuing thematic ETFs and ETCs, including those for digital assets. During the first half of 2022, HANetf launched three new cryptocurrency ETCs on the Swiss stock exchange SIX, as well as two more on Deutsche Börse XETRA. The company currently manages 14 different ETCs.

What happened before? According to the Crypto Pulse survey, cryptocurrency popularity increased in Q2 2022, and investors have not lost confidence in the field after the crypto winter. The survey was conducted among 10 000 retail and 2000 institutional investors in the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Spain. However, one in five (21%) of those who do not currently invest in cryptocurrencies in Europe said they would like to do so, but lack knowledge.

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