The project participants lost about $60 million in a tokensale

​The AnubisDAO’s creators are suspected of fraud

01.11.2021 - 08:30


1 min

What's new? According to the Wu Blockchain’s Twitter account, a $60 million withdrawal of user funds was made from the AnubisDAO project. Developers are suspected of fraud.

What is known about a possible scam? The AnubisDAO project started selling tokens on October 28. A few hours before the end of the tokensale, liquidity was completely withdrawn from the ANKH/ETH pool. In total, about $60 million disappeared, and the price of the tokens dropped to zero as a result of the liquidity withdrawal.

The team members reject the accusations and believe that they could have been attacked by hackers. Law enforcement officers and the analytical company Chainalysis have already been involved in the investigation of the incident.

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