According to the official bank’s representative, the requests are sent following the requirements of legislation and regulators

​“Tinkoff” began to request data from clients on transactions with cryptocurrencies

23.12.2021 - 09:00


1 min

What’s new? Tinkoff Bank’s clients have started to receive requests demanding to provide documents on operations with digital assets. Sergey Mendeleev, the founder of the InDeFi project, said this on his Facebook page.

Mendeleev's Facebook page

What is known about the requests? According to Mendeleev, “dozens” of his acquaintances have received them in the last 24 hours. All of them invested in cryptocurrencies from Tinkoff Bank cards. The official bank’s representative pointed out in a comment to Mendeleev's post that such requests can be sent following the requirements of legislation and regulators.

As the Tinkoff representative noted, the credit institution is guided by the “Methodological Suggestions on Growing the Consideration of Credit score Establishments to Sure Shoppers’ Operations.” Among the documents requested by the bank, among others, are documents confirming income and payment of taxes, the explanations on the economic meaning of transactions, and others.

What had happened before? It became known in June 2021 that Tinkoff wants to provide its clients with the ability to trade digital currency. At the same time, the bank's founder Oleg Tinkov has repeatedly criticized the cryptocurrency. According to the businessman, digital assets are needed for people who “want to hide something.”

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