The regulator: ads failed to illustrate investment risks and exploited consumers' inexperience

​Two ads have been blocked in the UK

05.01.2022 - 13:45


1 min

What’s new? The UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has blocked two ads after the complaints were received. The ASA claims that both ads were “misleading because they failed to illustrate investments risks” and “took advantage of consumers' inexperience or credulity.”

The ASA decision on blocking

What was in the ads? The first ad, which ran on the Daily Mail app, contained the following text: “Buy bitcoin with credit card instantly.” The second ad in the Love Balls app promised a rate of “up to 3,5% per annum.” The number later increased to 8,5%. The ASA did not impose any penalties, only warned that future ads have to meet standards.

How did react? The company’s representatives said that the ads were removed immediately after the ASA's demand. ready to compromise and cooperate with regulators:

“We appreciate the collaborative dialogue and engagement from the ASA regarding advertising in the UK in this relatively new industry. We remain committed to working with them and regulators around the world to ensure all of our activities are compliant with the most recent regulatory guidelines.”

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