Upgrades to the mobile app will be released in stages starting August 9

VKontakte to upgrade the design to integrate Web 3.0 and NFT features

10.08.2022 - 13:45


1 min

What’s new? The social media VKontakte has announced a large-scale upgrade of the mobile application’s interface. According to the platform’s announcement, it should become the basis for the integration of new features, including those related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and Web 3.0. The upgrade itself will take place in several stages, the first of which has already begun on August 9. Detailed information about the integration of Web 3.0 services was not reported by the VK team.

Announcement of the VKontakte upgrade

What is known about VK’s plans? VKontakte CEO Marina Krasnova said that in 2022, social media has set a record for attendance — 100 million active users per month. She also stressed that VK was a leader among Russian platforms by the volume of content and the number of authors. The head of VKontakte added that the upgrade lays the foundation for the introduction of advanced technologies, which will allow sharing of any format of content.

In February, CTO Alexander Tobol reported that the social media plans to use NFTs as a tool to monetize user-generated content and protect copyrights. The company will implement blockchain technologies to ensure the operation of non-fungible tokens. As Tobol noted, VKontakte would not develop its own ecosystem but would use existing solutions.

Also in May, VKontakte announced the launch of its own NFT marketplace and the creation of its own metaverse. The company’s management believes that the social media should become the main provider of access to NFTs in Russia and CIS countries.

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