This was stated by the company’s head, Susan Wojcicki, mentioning Web 3.0 technologies as a source of inspiration

Youtube may add NFT support

26.01.2022 - 08:35


1 min

What’s new? Bloomberg’s website has published news about the possible addition of support for non-fungible tokens (NFT) by the popular video hosting platform Youtube. The company’s specialists are currently conducting a comprehensive analysis of various options for the implementation of NFT.

News source on the Bloomberg website

What are the company’s immediate plans? According to the CEO of Youtube, Susan Wojcicki, the management is looking into the integration of NFT for video content creators because they see a great demand for this technology on their part. In addition, with NFT, the content creators will be able to increase engagement and acquire more options to monetize their work.

“We are always focused on expanding the YouTube ecosystem to help creators capitalize on emerging technologies, including things like NFTs.”

Wojcicki has not yet given the exact dates or options for introducing the new options, but given the activity from competitors such as Instagram and Twitter, it may happen as early as this year. The CEO of Youtube also added that the company draws inspiration from Web 3.0 technologies.

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