Users of the Alpha Art marketplace bought drawings with images of beluga whales in one day

​An NFT collection from a 14-year-old artist was sold for $1 million

19.11.2021 - 07:50


1 min

Users of the Alpha Art marketplace bought drawings with images of beluga whales in one day.

What’s new? A new collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT) from a 14-year-old American artist Abigail was sold out in just 10 hours, CoinDesk reports.

News source on the CoinDesk website

What is known about the collection? The 8000 beluga whale drawings were created by the girl and her 25-year-old brother Adam, who is fond of trading. Most of the pictures were drawn using iPhone 8. Separately from the animals themselves, Abigail drew various decorations and then asked the developers to create a script to combine the beluga whales and the decorations. As a result, 8000 unique images were generated and put on sale.

Users of an NFT platform Alpha Art liked beluga whales and the entire collection was sold out in less than a day. The brother and sister were able to earn about $1 million, 200 000 of which was donated to organizations that help the beluga whales.

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