The airdrop will be held in three rounds. The first token distribution is scheduled for March 10-12

​Baidu will airdrop 20 000 NFTs for free

10.03.2022 - 13:05


1 min

What’s new? Chinese technology company Baidu will distribute more than 20 000 free NFTs, the airdrop will take place in three rounds. The tokens will be presented in the form of Chinese cartoon characters that users will be able to use as avatars. The first round is scheduled for March 10 and 12, with 8 888 NFTs of “talking tom cat” available to users. The next round is scheduled for March 16 to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the fox character Ali, which will result in the distribution of 3160 exclusive NFTs. The tokens will be issued on Xuperchain, Baidu’s own blockchain network.

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What preceded it? China’s big tech companies continue to dive into the field of non-fungible tokens. In late February, Baidu launched Olympic-themed NFTs. Also in February, Alibaba Group Holding launched a collection of NFTs dedicated to the 2022 Winter Olympics.

What projects does Baidu have? Chinese technology company Baidu is developing its own metaverse, XiRang. The project is currently at the initial stage of development.

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