The main function of the token is to encourage an active and loyal audience

CoinDesk announced the launch of the DESK token for rewards

24.05.2022 - 08:10


2 min

What’s new? CoinDesk, an information portal, has announced the launch of its social token, DESK, with beta testing taking place as recently as last year. The main idea behind DESK is to create a loyal and engaged community by providing incentives to interact with CoinDesk’s content and each other. The token will also give newcomers an opportunity to learn about blockchain technology and gain experience with a crypto wallet. The full launch will take place during the Consensus 2022 festival, which will be held in Austin, Texas, from June 9 to 12.

News on the CoinDesk website

What is known about the token’s functionality? Consensus 2022 attendees will be able to earn DESK while registering, visiting booths, or joining CoinDesk’s Discord server. The tokens will be redeemable for event branded clothing, food or drink, NFTs, and other rewards.

The DESK token will be launched on Polygon (an Ethereum sidechain) to prevent Ethereum network congestion. CoinDesk stresses that DESK is not a financial or investment product and will not be sold for money. It is a rewards token, similar to loyalty points from airlines or hotels.

What events happened before? On March 15, ConsenSys CEO Joe Lubin announced that the MetaMask wallet would issue its own token and launch a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization).

In April, Emirates Airlines announced the launch of its own NFTs. Emirates’ non-fungible tokens would be both collectible and utility-based.

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