The faculty of virtual reality and metaverse MetaHKUST will be presented on September 1, 2022

Hong Kong University announces construction of campus in the metaverse

01.08.2022 - 09:40


1 min

What’s new? The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology will have a new MetaHKUST campus in a virtual reality metaverse format. Testing of the new learning model begins September 1. The initiative aims to organize joint training of students from different cities in a single virtual space. The South China Morning Post (SCMP) website reports.

News on the SCMP website

What else is known about the new campus? To create a unified virtual environment, the university will equip the Guangzhou and Hong Kong campuses with sensors, cameras, and visualization tools to create virtual twins of the offline campuses. After the ecosystem is in place, both institutions will be able to create content in the form of avatars, NFTs, tokens, or virtual art objects.

Representatives of the university noted that studying in the metaverse will allow everyone to feel directly involved in the events, improve academic performance and give students a sense of unity and common cause.

Earlier, the University of Tokyo (Todai) announced the launch of training courses in the metaverse. They will allow all interested schoolchildren, students and already working people to learn the basics of programming, artificial intelligence, and information technology. The initiative was launched to solve the problem of the lack of qualified personnel.

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